Learning, Working, Growing Together

2023 Wheeler Elementary Summer Hub

WE would like to formally invite you to participate in our 2023 Wheeler Elementary Summer Hub

Who: Your child(ren) currently enrolled in Grades K-4

What: An opportunity to receive enrichment in Language Arts, Math, Music, Art, Hawaiian, Computers, PE, and Social-Emotional Learning.

When: Tuesday June 13 - Friday July 7, (except for Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - Federal Holiday) 

Where: Wheeler Elementary School

Dates and Times: Monday - Friday - 8:00am - 12:00pm

Transportation: No buses will be offered. Parents must drop off and pick up. Please note: Students cannot be dropped off any earlier than 7:45am and picked up no later than 12:15pm.

Meals: NO MEALS will be available. Please have your child eat prior to coming, bring a water bottle, and any snacks if desired.

Registration Form: 2023 Wheeler Elementary Summer Hub Registration Form

Please complete this form no later than Wedne
sday, May 17thSignups will be limited to 100 students, first-come, first serve. Anyone signing up past the 100 seats, will be waitlisted.

If you have any questions, please contact: Vice Principal John Walje at (808) 305-9500 or [email protected]